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Edit A Menu Item

Table of Content

  1. 1. Tips
  2. 2. Edit A Childless Menu Item
  3. 3. Edit A Parent Menu Item

1. Tips

  1. Controls of a menu item have higher priority than controls of a Menu Layout.
  2. Changing the element name & hit ENTER will automatically change the menu item label as well:

2. Edit A Childless Menu Item

When clicking on a Childless Menu Item, your screen may look like this:

editing a childless menu item

Mortar Menu supports common coponents for a menu item such as: Label, Icon, Badge and Featured Image.

Currently, Featured Image works inside a Fullscreen Menu only.

3. Edit A Parent Menu Item

Besides the components of a Childless Menu Item, a Parent Menu Item supports Submenu:

editing a parent menu item

You can nest any elements inside the Submenu (make sure to enable Mega first):

editing a submenu

Or even use the Query Loop to query custom menu items:

submenu query loop

Some notes when editing a Submenu:

  1. Make sure to enable Mega and wrap content inside a Container element when building a Mega Submenu. Else, it won’t be rendered correctly.
  2. To create Normal Submenus, just nest menu items inside the Submenu element. Don’t enable Mega.
  3. When enable Mega, you will see a “Slide Templates” control. This control is to add slides into a Submenu of a Dock menu (using the Dock Menu layout - you can learn about this layout on the Menu Layouts page).

Last modified: Feb 21 2025 at 11:58 AM.