Link Search Menu Expand Document


Table of Content

  1. 1. Submenu Interactions
  2. 2. Off-Canvas Interactions

1. Submenu Interactions

For each submenu, there are two interaction IDs for any default Entrance and Exit animation:

submenu interaction ids

Use those IDs for the Animation End trigger to animate elements inside a submenu after a submenu has finished its entrance animation or its exit animation:

animated submenu

2. Off-Canvas Interactions

For menu layouts having the Off-Canvas, there are also two interaction IDs for any default Entrance and Exit animation:

canvas interaction ids

Same as Submenu, these interaction IDs are for the Animation End trigger to animate elements inside the Off-Canvas AFTER the Off-Canvas finishes its entrance animation or BEFORE its exit animation.

There’s also a Animation Delay control to delay the Exit Animation of the Off-Canvas. For example, to wait until all elements inside the Off-Canvas finsish their exit animation before closing the Off-Canvas.

Last modified: Aug 25 2024 at 11:12 AM.